How do I keep my GPS items safe from thieves?

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How do I keep my GPS items safe from thieves?

It’s been hard to ignore the recent increase of GPS thefts in our community. We asked our Group Technologies Manager George Wheelen and Sgt Brian Calver from the Rural Crime Team to give us their advise on how to keep your GPS items safe from thieves in this crime surge.

  1. Make sure all eligible GPS equipment is pin code activated. John Deere StarFire 6000’s should all have the ability to be pin coded. We can provide stickers for GPS equipment stating the device has been pin protected which can act as a deterrent to thieves.
  2. Sgt Brian Calver stressed the importance of “ensuring serial numbers are recorded” and “making sure the equipment is marked with indelible ink“. Doing both these things can help you claim your stolen items back if they are ever recovered by police.
  3. We know it’s extra work for farmers but taking your GPS equipment like screens and receivers off machines and storing them in a safe, locked area will help keep them safe. However George warned of storing GPS equipment in tractor cabs as thieves in the past haven’t hesitated to smash cabs open.
  4. Both our experts said to review physical security of your farm and where you store machines overnight. Tractors and equipment should be kept close to buildings and in well lit areas.

We know this is extra work that farmers and our community shouldn’t have to do all this, but sadly we live in a world where this is necessary. If you’ve been unfortunate enough to have equipment stolen make sure you contact your local Rural Crime Team, your insurers, then please get in contact with us so we can help you to source replacement or to hire equipment.

Don’t hesitate to contact your local Tuckwells outlet to get help on setting up your pin code and getting pin code protected stickers.


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