Tuckwells is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chains. This statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and outlines the steps we have taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place within our business or supply chains.
Our Business
Tuckwells is a machinery dealership that supplies and services a range of agricultural, turf care, and construction equipment to customers primarily in the UK regions of the South East, East Anglia, and Home Counties. We work with a network of manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers to deliver high-quality products and services to our customers.
Our Supply Chains
Our supply chains include manufacturers of machinery, parts suppliers, logistics providers, and other service partners. We recognise that some parts of our supply chain may pose a higher risk of modern slavery, particularly where sourcing involves countries with less stringent labour protections.
Our Policies
We have implemented the following policies to mitigate the risk of modern slavery in our business and supply chains:
Supplier Code of Conduct: Outlines our expectations regarding ethical business practices, including fair labour conditions and the prohibition of forced labour.
Whistleblowing Policy: Encourages employees and stakeholders to report concerns regarding unethical practices, including modern slavery.
Recruitment Policy: Ensures that all recruitment practices are transparent, ethical, and compliant with employment laws.
Due Diligence and Risk Assessment
We conduct risk assessments of our supply chain to identify potential modern slavery risks. This includes:-
Evaluating suppliers based on geographic and sector-specific risks.
Requiring high-risk suppliers to complete a due diligence questionnaire regarding their labour practices.
Conducting supplier audits and reviews where necessary.
Training and Awareness
We provide training to our employees, particularly those involved in procurement and supply chain management, to help them identify signs of modern slavery and understand how to report concerns.
Continuous Improvement
We are committed to continually improving our approach to tackling modern slavery. Future actions include:
Strengthening supplier engagement to improve compliance with ethical standards. Enhancing our reporting mechanisms for modern slavery concerns.
Regularly reviewing and updating our policies and procedures to reflect best practices.
Approval and Publication
This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors and is published on our website in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
James Tuckwell
Managing Director